Impact of Heatwave in Jammu: Rising Temperatures and Weather Challenges

According to meteorological experts, most parts of Jammu and Kashmir are experiencing temperatures 3 to 5 degrees Celsius above normal for this time of year. The situation is particularly severe in Jammu, where the heat has made outdoor activities difficult since early Monday morning. With a minimum temperature of 29.7 degrees Celsius, Jammu noticed warm weather even at night.

Given that the Meteorological Centre predicts a change in weather patterns beginning on June 29, there may be a little break from the intense temperatures approaching. In certain parts of Jammu and Kashmir, rain is predicted, which could provide a break from the present heat wave.

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Authorities warn residents to take steps to stay cool and hydrated as they prepare for a few more days of extreme heat. By the end of the week, the community is asked to stay up to date on weather information and be ready for any conditions changes.

This weather update underscores the seasonal challenges faced by Jammu and Kashmir during the onset of summer, highlighting the importance of resilience and adaptation in dealing with climatic extremes.

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